Mike Rea's Recovery Info & Updates

Mike's family created this blog to acknowledge our heartfelt appreciation for all your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes since his accident. Please check back regularly for updates on his condition and recovery process. We know all of you will keep Mike and his family in your prayers!

My Photo
Location: Newark, Delaware

On June 16, 2006, Mike was doing what he loves most in the world~training a race horse! One minute, friends saw him go by at a full gallop. Thirty minutes later, he was found unconscious and barely breathing. Mike endured an emergency helicopter ride to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Unit where doctors determined he had suffered a severe brain injury and was placed in ICU in critical condition. After three weeks, Mike was transferred to Kernan Rehabilitation Center, then Sunbridge Care and Rehabilitation. He returned home in October ‘06 and continues to work on his recovery. We have experienced much hope and joy as we have witnessed Mike's miraculous journey towards recovery. Mike IS A MIRACLE (the exact words of his neurologist) and continues to surprise his health care providers. Mike faces each day with courage, faith and perseverance; his new job consisting of physical therapy and theraputic riding. Mike is currently undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and is experiencing great progress! FOR THOSE WHO HAVE OFFERED ASSISTANCE, A "MIKE REA RECOVERY RELIEF FUND" HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED TO HELP WITH MIKE'S MEDICAL AND DAILY NEEDS.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

First Full Day In Kernan Rehabilitation

This morning Mike was still sedated from the sleeping medicine that they had given him during the night to sleep. He has a very low tolerance to pain and sleep medication. By the time his wife and children arrived he was awake enough to enjoy the visit. He recognized all of them and Hunter, his 4 year old, was all over him and trying to tickle him. It was so cute. Gracie, his 10 month old giggled and baby talked to Mike. He smiled. Rochelle, his wife, talked with Mike, prayed with Mike, and puckered up a big kiss good-bye until the next visit. Jesse, his 12 year old, peeped around the corner at his daddy and asked a lot of questions. He went over the new poster about the raffle for the mustang with his Aunt Nancy and give his okay. Monday through Saturday the therapist's will be working with Mike twice a day. Speech, occupational, and physical therapy. Tonight Mike received a beauty bath from his sisters and his mother. Washed, shaved, lotioned, and powdered. I bet he was loving every minute of it. The nurses say brain injury patients recover so quickly here because their therapy program is so intense and 6 days a week. Well it's time to go. I will write more tomorrow night. We are so grateful for the donations that are helping to make it possible for Mike to be at Kernan Rehab. Mike deserves the best and without your help he wouldn't be getting it. God bless everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Learningto ask for help is a BIG step,It aounds as if you have wonderful family, and friends with you,I think you will be able to relate well to the therapy being a trainer yourself.remember that to gallop a mile you do it one stride at a time The medicalstaff including therapists have no idea how resilient we horsemn/women/are!Allow yourself to be on "stall rest " s long as necessary; brains will heal, brains may take longer than bones but,they,do heal, be kind to yourslf, and allow yourself whatever time is needed

11:29 PM  

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