Mike Rea's Recovery Info & Updates

Mike's family created this blog to acknowledge our heartfelt appreciation for all your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes since his accident. Please check back regularly for updates on his condition and recovery process. We know all of you will keep Mike and his family in your prayers!

My Photo
Location: Newark, Delaware

On June 16, 2006, Mike was doing what he loves most in the world~training a race horse! One minute, friends saw him go by at a full gallop. Thirty minutes later, he was found unconscious and barely breathing. Mike endured an emergency helicopter ride to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Unit where doctors determined he had suffered a severe brain injury and was placed in ICU in critical condition. After three weeks, Mike was transferred to Kernan Rehabilitation Center, then Sunbridge Care and Rehabilitation. He returned home in October ‘06 and continues to work on his recovery. We have experienced much hope and joy as we have witnessed Mike's miraculous journey towards recovery. Mike IS A MIRACLE (the exact words of his neurologist) and continues to surprise his health care providers. Mike faces each day with courage, faith and perseverance; his new job consisting of physical therapy and theraputic riding. Mike is currently undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and is experiencing great progress! FOR THOSE WHO HAVE OFFERED ASSISTANCE, A "MIKE REA RECOVERY RELIEF FUND" HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED TO HELP WITH MIKE'S MEDICAL AND DAILY NEEDS.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Good Afternoon Everyone

Mike continues to do all of his therapies daily at Sunbridge. His side is all healed now from the pulled or strained muscles he had. So now he is giving it his all as usual. The past weekend showed that Mike's house couldn't accommodate his needs. He wanted to go upstairs so bad to take a shower and sleep in his bed which he hasn't been able to do for over 3 months. To prove to Mike that he just wasn't able to do the stairs we tried about four or five steps. He was way off balance and really just couldn't do it. He had to take a sponge bath in their half bath on the first floor. The bath being so small it was very hard to maneuver in there to really do anything. Especially with the wheel chair right there. Just to get undressed and put on night clothes was hard also. We are hoping that he will get the home make over and all of this will be fixed. Since Mike's injury we have to constantly keep reminding him how far he has come. With his memory loss from the brain injury he can't remember himself how far he has come and needs pictures to remind him of how he was in the beginning. The staff, nurses and visitors remind him how he was and give him so much reassurance. Of course we (the family) constantly tell him how well he is doing and how far he has come in such a short time, but he doesn't take our word because he knows we love him so much and thinks we are just trying to keep him pumped up. It really helps with the pictures and everyone telling him even though he still does have a long race to recovery. But I know Mike will make it to the finish line and be a inspiration for all.

Jesse loves his new school but apparently is having trouble adjusting from home school to his school which was expected some. Today Jesse is going to have dinner with Mike and then they are going to do homework together and have that time alone. Just the two of them. Mother and I are going to go get them Chinese food that they love and then we are going to go out to eat us a good meal ourselves. Steak.

How uncanny it is that people leave us messages and comments on Mike's blog site about their own experiences and we realize that some of Mike's problems will pass and how much strength it gives us. Also knowing all the support and prayers we have from everyone gives all of us so much more strength that anyone could even know.

Well I'm off to the shower and then to Mike's. I will give him all the hello's, hugs, kisses and well wishes that everyone sends for me to do. God bless everyone including Barbaro who is also doing so well with his battle.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mike and Family,
Sending lots of love, hope, and support from Chicago.

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Rea, I know how frustrating it is not to be able to do what you want to, and your body will not cooperate with your mind. I have dessicated degenerated discs in my back, and they just seem to tell me sometimes-Dora-you are not picking up that sock off the floor! You are not lifting your leg up to get in the car, and so forth. It is maddening and makes you cry and sometimes so mad you want to scream and fight. (That seems to make it worse-I do not recommend that!!) I am glad the strain/sprain is healing. It is awful to wait it out, or work it out...UGH!! Take care of yourself, and your family. I always check on you, but mostly cannot post here, do not know why I can tonight. I always talk to you guys on Tim Woolley's site, hope ya'll still go there. I still pray for you guys.

Bless all the creatures great and small.
Believe in Mike Rea
Believe in Erin Brennan
Believe in Barbaro

1:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mike and family!

I haven't posted here in a little while but I always check on ya. I put you on my bloglines so I know right away when there is a new update! I can't believe how quickly and far you have improved. It's incredible. Keep up the good (and hard!) work!

Wendy in Michigan (the tip of the mitt area :))

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mike & family,
I too read about you each day. Isn't it amazing how, when injured, our mind & body heals itself? Its such a mirical. My body has been injured, but slowly & surely I am healing. I, of course, get really irritated that everythinh doesn't happen sooner ... but it will.

Sending you lots of support!!!!

10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so great to see you doing so well, Mike!! God bless you and your family for taking such great care of you.

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mike and family,

Keep up the hard work. Be proud of yourself, your family is proud of you.Feel good in the knowledge that, although your misfortune is unbelievably huge, there is at least one person, me, who is being reaffirmed in the power of love, prayer, family,and hard work. Thank you.

Kim B. in IL

8:47 AM  

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