I just re-read Cathy’s last post and can’t believe it’s been a whole week since Mike went home. Funny thing….it was raining the day he went home and it’s raining here in Mt. Pleasant right now. Cathy went to the beach for some much needed R&R the day after she got back to Fayetteville and has not had access to a computer. We’ve all talked everyday and have taken turns checking on Mike. We didn’t’ think it would be a good idea for each of us to call him everyday….he’d never get a chance to do anything but talk on the phone! I spoke with Mike a few moments ago and asked him what he would like me to tell everyone on his blog. He said, “I’m happy to be home and I’m doing a lot of activities. I’m working very hard, trusting in God and my faith to continue my healing. Everyday there are challenges and I work at passing those challenges. It’s a big change but I’m getting used to it all.” Then he told me he missed seeing me and I had to cut the call short so he would not hear how sad I was missing him too and not being able to see him as often either. He sounded just like my baby brother when he was a little boy. I immediately called Cathy because she always makes me feel better when I am worried about Mikey. She had to remind me that with a brain injury like Mike’s, they stay in what she is calling “a little boy mode” until that part of the brain heals and then he will come out of that mode. It is obvious to us that Mike is no where near ready to get on the computer and begin to communicate in that way. In fact, he told me that he wants to work on his physical challenges first because anything else is just too hard right now. He even likes for us to call him instead of him calling us because he has trouble dialing the phone. So….it is going to be awhile before Mike can write on the computer, but Cathy and I promise we will write what he tells us to write and keep everyone informed of his progress. Mike’s physical therapy at home consists of him going up and down the stairs, playing with his children, helping his wife, and, as he stated very proudly, walking on the treadmill at its slowest setting for up to 10 minutes at a time! He was very excited to tell me too that he starts out patient therapy next week. His first visit will be just before they leave for the Breeder’s Cup.
I guess what has surprised us the most is how difficult it would be to pick up our lives and try to continue as before after Mike left the hospital. Even though we had talked about how hard it was going to be, because we had all become so single-minded in our goals for Mikey, feeling closer than ever before, we still were not prepared for the emotions we have been experiencing. Especially our mother, who, in a way had to let go of her little boy again then endure the death of Dreyfuss, her beloved pet and companion for 13 years. Mom is here with me now, in SC. Dreyfuss began to founder a few days ago, not wanting to get up from lying down, or when out for a walk, just stopping and laying down and not being able to move. Mom was able to get him in her car and to the vet on Tuesday. The doctor told her Dreyfuss only had a couple of days left if that and that he had a tumor in his stomach and fluid in his lungs and around his heart. Mom is so incredibly strong. She made the decision right there that Dreyfuss was not going to suffer any longer. She called us after it was over. Cathy and I convinced her to come stay with me for awhile and we’re going to do girlie things all weekend together. As if she didn’t have enough to worry about. I found a poem for her though and thought I would share it here as well.
The Rainbow BridgeWe can’t really put into words what we are feeling, but we all know and believe that everything happens for a reason. It has been over four months and we have experienced much fear, sadness, hope and joy as we have witnessed Mike’s miraculous journey towards recovery and healing. We all will continue to stand in faith, trusting in God, and take this journey one day at a time.
Cathy is trying to get internet access and hopes to be up and running and back in cyber space very soon!
God Bless Everyone…..
Nancy, Please tell your mom how sad I am to hear about poor Dreyfuss. My cat Boo-Boo was almost 16 when he kept having fluid around his lungs and they kept draining it off, but determined it to be some type of cancer. I put him down the friday before Memorial Day 2003. His sister Sweetness had an inoperable tumor in her stomach and was also put down 2001, she was 14.Time spent with them was wonderful ,but they told me they were ready to go to the Rainbow Bridge, I await seeing them again. I truly miss them most sleeping with me at night. I am so sorry for her loss. I hope that Mike continues his P.T. at home. I am so happy he is working so hard to achieve his goals. He is a wonderful inspiration to us all. We appreciate you and Cathy both letting us know of all his progress. I pray you all continue on this path of healing.
WE Believe in Mike Rea
WE Believe in Barbaro
WE Believe in Miracles
Dora J Crow/ Montgomery, Alabama
Nancy, again thanks to you and Cathy for keeping us informed. So glad to hear Mike is focused with a positive mind and heart on meeting all the challenges he has now that he's at home. I hope his Breeders' Cup trip/experience will be a source of encouragement and self esteem too.
I'm sure it is very difficult to try to resume your "normal" lives after the intensity of the last many months. Please know that we are thinking of you and praying for additional strength and joy during this next chapter.
Special thoughts for your mom in losing Dreyfuss. She did the most loving thing in letting him go, but the timing of it makes it extra tough. Glad she is spending time with you right now.
Just wanted to let you know that even if I do not post often, a day does not go by that I do not think of and pray for you all. Let the miracles continue!!
I am so sorry to hear about Dreyfuss. He lived a very good life and his Momma gave him the best life he could have. It's great that Mike is so willing to continue his PT!!! Walking up and down stairs and on the treadmill is awsome!!! Thank you, God for miracles.
Mike, (Nancy, Cathy & Mom)
I am so happy to hear you are at home with your family! Your family is an awesome support system. The outpouring of love from your Mom, sisters and wife\kids is wonderful to read about, you are truly blessed! Hope you get stronger and heal fast - we wait anxiously for the day that you can type "Hello" to everyone out here in cyberspace that have been and will continue to root for your recovery from afar. Thanks to the internet and your sisters, we have been making this journey with you and checking up on you often! Remember to keep up with your physical therapy - 6 months goes quickly and we all want you to go to your Dr. appt walking tall :-) You are in my prayers!!
Jen from Iowa, Fan of Barbaro (heart)
SOOO very sorry to hear of your doggy loss! I have a yorky and I know these sweet animals are like our children. It is heartbreaking to have to say goodbye. :-(( You made the selfless decision to end his misery, I am sure he is grateful for that. Dreyfus will see you in Heaven and is enjoying a pain free life over the rainbow bridge. He is free and happy!!
Peaches's Mom
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