Mike Rea's Recovery Info & Updates

Mike's family created this blog to acknowledge our heartfelt appreciation for all your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes since his accident. Please check back regularly for updates on his condition and recovery process. We know all of you will keep Mike and his family in your prayers!

My Photo
Location: Newark, Delaware

On June 16, 2006, Mike was doing what he loves most in the world~training a race horse! One minute, friends saw him go by at a full gallop. Thirty minutes later, he was found unconscious and barely breathing. Mike endured an emergency helicopter ride to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Unit where doctors determined he had suffered a severe brain injury and was placed in ICU in critical condition. After three weeks, Mike was transferred to Kernan Rehabilitation Center, then Sunbridge Care and Rehabilitation. He returned home in October ‘06 and continues to work on his recovery. We have experienced much hope and joy as we have witnessed Mike's miraculous journey towards recovery. Mike IS A MIRACLE (the exact words of his neurologist) and continues to surprise his health care providers. Mike faces each day with courage, faith and perseverance; his new job consisting of physical therapy and theraputic riding. Mike is currently undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and is experiencing great progress! FOR THOSE WHO HAVE OFFERED ASSISTANCE, A "MIKE REA RECOVERY RELIEF FUND" HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED TO HELP WITH MIKE'S MEDICAL AND DAILY NEEDS.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Mike At Home Now

Mike went home this morning. I talked to him while he was awaiting Rochelle to pick him up from Sunbridge. He said, "What an awful day to go home with all this rain." He had a great visit at the neurologist yesterday from what I can understand from Mike. He doesn't have to see him again for 6 months. I was suppose to go with him but things just didn't go that way. Anyways I let it be and packed my stuff and headed on home. The doctor did give Mikey the okay to go to the Breeders Cup. He said there was no reason he couldn't fly or take the trip. Mike was real excited about that. I told Mike when he went back for his recheck in 6 months he was going to WALK into the doctor's office. He also won't be going to the Christiana Physical Therapy Plus Monday. Awaiting for insurance to come through. Mike promised me that he would continue to do his physical therapy as much as he could do at home. Hopefully the insurance will come through and he can get there soon. Mikey promised we would be talking daily. Like I said I will continue to keep everyone updated on his progress. Please keep Mikey in your prayers and pray that he has made the right decision by going home so soon.

As you can tell I am now back home in Fayetteville, NC. I am going to wait awhile to go back to work in case Mike might need me. We will continue to blog, work on the Extreme Home Makeover, and do fund raisers. God bless everyone.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The doctor did give Mikey the okay to go to the Breeders Cup. He said there was no reason he couldn't fly or take the trip. Mike was real excited about that.
That should be real good incentive for Mike to keep working at home. I think he will be so much happier being home with his family.
Keep working hard Mike.
Vicki in Florida

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How wonderful to be at home with
family. I know that God is working miracles and spreading his healing love over all.

Many blessings and keep the positive attitude.
One day you will be back on a horse galloping like the wind.

The Hartmans in Denver

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Rea,

There are so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Home with your family......priceless.

To your health,
to Barbaro's health,
to happiness......

Kim B. in IL

11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay Mike - its Sally - Captain of the Carrot Posse - I'm so glad you are home. I hope you have some time to check out the TWR board - there are some people looking for you this evening and I decided, as Captain, I would let you know. We are all very happy that you are home and hope you get some time to post to us at TWR.

Have a good night Mike - I know you have a title - Commander, Corporal or something but as Captain I am ashamed to say that I forgot. So please forgive me for not using your formal title.

We all love you and hope to see you post at TWR soon.


Captain Carrot
aka Sally in Key West

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that you're finally home, Mike...everyone on TWR is very excited for you, especially as you'll be going to the Breeders' Cup.

Keep up the good work...you're doing amazingly well.

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, the BC!!!! You are going to enjoy yourself there!!! Make sure you keep up with your therapy so you can stay at home! God Bless you, Mike and Family.

LyndaP in Texas

12:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike R..your candIes are Iit,prayers going up..I'm so happy for you going home,bIess you as you continue to work from home on physicaI therapy,and Iook forward to the Breeders Cup...that is wonderfuI...We Iove you,and we think of you often.Iinda a oregon

3:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike, I haven't posted in awhile but thought I'd check up on ya! Are you doing your physical therapy at home??????huh??? Are Ya????? You BETTER be! I'm sure you are! Have fun at the Breeders Cup. That must be very exciting for you and it's right around the corner.

I see you have over 2,000 signatures on the petition and there must be more because many folks on the TWR site are taking hard copies of the petition to places for more people to sign. That's very exciting! We are all proud of you!

Take care,

Wendy in Michigan (wendyinMI on TWR)

11:05 AM  

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