Mike Rea's Recovery Info & Updates

Mike's family created this blog to acknowledge our heartfelt appreciation for all your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes since his accident. Please check back regularly for updates on his condition and recovery process. We know all of you will keep Mike and his family in your prayers!

My Photo
Location: Newark, Delaware

On June 16, 2006, Mike was doing what he loves most in the world~training a race horse! One minute, friends saw him go by at a full gallop. Thirty minutes later, he was found unconscious and barely breathing. Mike endured an emergency helicopter ride to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Unit where doctors determined he had suffered a severe brain injury and was placed in ICU in critical condition. After three weeks, Mike was transferred to Kernan Rehabilitation Center, then Sunbridge Care and Rehabilitation. He returned home in October ‘06 and continues to work on his recovery. We have experienced much hope and joy as we have witnessed Mike's miraculous journey towards recovery. Mike IS A MIRACLE (the exact words of his neurologist) and continues to surprise his health care providers. Mike faces each day with courage, faith and perseverance; his new job consisting of physical therapy and theraputic riding. Mike is currently undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and is experiencing great progress! FOR THOSE WHO HAVE OFFERED ASSISTANCE, A "MIKE REA RECOVERY RELIEF FUND" HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED TO HELP WITH MIKE'S MEDICAL AND DAILY NEEDS.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I'm Still in Fayetteville, North Carolina

Hello everyone. My sister, Nancy asked me to post because she is so very tired. She just doesn't understand how Mother and I do it. I told her we just do it and really don't think about the tiredness or stress. We try to think about how far Mike has come so fast and all the wonderful people who support Mike and keep praying, messaging, lighting candles, and doing just everything for him that inspire us so much to keep on going. Mike had a very good day. Nancy got him ready for church today and Rochelle with the children picked him up. Nancy said it was very easy to put him in the car and also the wheelchair was easy to load in the car. He went to Sunday school and preaching. Everyone was excited to see him and there was hugs and emotions everywhere. I think his therapies start back up on Monday. I'm not sure if they get Labor Day off. I will be back Tuesday evening and Nancy is flying out Tuesday afternoon. I usually do Mike's laundry but Mother had to do it today. She has enjoyed Nancy's visit and was able to get a little bit of rest in also. We are so overwhelmed with all the response for the Extreme Home Makeover. Mercy and Nancy are putting everything together. Again Melissa Harden has now made a video that she will be sending to them. Of course it was fantastic as usual. I don't know what she does for a living but she sure could be an author or T.V. person. She is so talented. I read the TWR's site daily and the Discussion Forum site also. There are a lot of people wanting to know about certain facts of Mike's life. I told Nancy to get on there and tell them, but I think I have too. Remember Nancy is in real estate and I am in nursing. I am use to taking care of people. I love taking care of my brother and helping him with his recovery. I really think God has let me be in the position I am in so I can do this. So enough about me. Mike talked to Mercy from Florida today and they both loved it. He knows about everything everyone is doing for him and he is just so inspired by it all. I really think all of this has helped him though this period in his life and also with his speedy recovering that is going on. Well it is time for me to go. Believe in Miracles, Believe in Mike, and Believe in Barbaro. They are both in this recovery together. There is a reason for everything and for both of them they are Champions. God bless everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sending lots & lots of positvie energy your way! The whole Rhea clan has just amazed me with your resilience and can do attitude. Keep it up!!!

You all have become so dear to me, even though we've never met. You're in my thoughts daily! I hope to meet you all one day!

Mike, you keep fighting and grow strong! Loads of positive vibes and strength to you!! You're a hero to many of us. Don't ever give up!!

Love to you all,

Julie Z.

12:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto Julia, Mike & family! I can feel your spirit Mike ... You are one strong person! Keep on keepin on ... thats what my family always says!

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TAMMY BURLIN (Equine Vet Care, PC)

11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:50 AM  

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