We thank God, on this day, for Mikey’s and Barbaro’s continuing recovery.
I’m at Mom’s now….and since Thanksgiving is all about togetherness, love, sharing and giving thanks for our blessings, we want to take time from this busy day to count our blessings and thank everyone who has provided support, despite the many trials and tribulations that we have encountered. We all have so much to be thankful for this year. Thanks be to God first and foremost, and thank You that our brother is alive, well and continuing to improve.
We all express our sincere gratitude for the compassion, support, and generosity EVERYONE has shown our brother and his family. My mother, sister and I are and will be eternally grateful. We thank God for all the outside assistance we have received from various agencies and organizations and thank Him for the many prayers offered to Mike and all of us by family, friends and others. There is much solace in knowing that many people are praying for us and everyone’s prayers have been and are a powerful source of support.
We have come to know many members of the horse racing community, especially Barbaro and his fans, Alex and TWR’s site, Carol at EquestNetwork, Mike’s friends and many many others since Mike’s accident. What we did not realize was that such a close knit community existed, a family if you will, consisting of horse people, friends and strangers with a common goal, who rally with open hearts, prayers and whatever resources they may offer in support of their fellow horsemen or friends who endure life-changing events. Each of us now call friends many people we would have never met that have touched our lives in untold ways.
Please forgive us those we have not been able to thank personally and know that were we to try to list everyone we would surely run out of space!
We don’t know if Mike completely comprehends what all has been done for him, but we can tell you that knowing he and his family are in the hearts and prayers of so many is a tremendous source of comfort to him. Doctors have told us more than once the brain injury healing process will occur at a greater rate if the patient is free of worry and strife and everyone’s generosity, support , cards and notes of encouragement and rallying for the ABC Extreme Makeover has helped to accomplish this for Mike. For that, we are deeply grateful.
Thanks to the funds from the Ford Mustang raffle, The Whip’s Fundraiser and contributions from friends and supporters to Mike’s Trust Fund. It is our hope and prayer Mike and his family will be able to maintain some semblance of normalcy until he is once again able to earn a living. We all will continue to stand in faith, trusting in God, and take this journey one day at a time.
We wish all a Happy Thanksgiving!
With Love,
Nancy Rehm
Cathy Rea Bosley
Shirley Rea
AND from us on behalf of Mike Rea
Dear Mike, Shirley, Nancy, & Cathy,
Hope and pray you had a good Thanksgiving with your family and friends. Our family had a quiet one which was much needed while recovering from jaw surgery.
As for news update, today (Tues November 28th), received a phone call from Debra Lopez who is our Chairman of www.campaigningforbarbaro.com.
She had a private meeting with an important client named Larry. He builds new homes for ABC's Extreme Home Makeover Edition Team. Well, you know who was the topic of conversation of course -- MIKEY!!!
Next thing, we were collaborating our heads in writing and presenting a followup request letter for Larry to discuss with the HOME MAKEOVER TEAM. Hope you've sent that video and if you haven't yet. Please do so!!!
Here is the gist of the letter. Also supplied Mike's photo with his favorite horse buddies.
"DON'T call for an emergency ambulance! ...Call the Life Flight helicopter!...NOW!" ...
"Get the Horse Ambulance out here, NOW!" ...
"No! Wait! DON'T remove his helmet - it'll surely kill him!" ...
"Just get him to the vet clinic, NOW!" ... (www.equestnetwork.com)
Hi Larry,
Per our conversation today, just letting you know Barbaro, who trained at Fair Hill Training Center in Elkton, Maryland is forever intertwined with Mike Rea and his own miraculous recovery. Together, both are beating the odds and "moving beyond brokenness" in daily baby steps.
When Kentucky Derby Champion Barbaro suffered catastrophic injuries, Alex Brown (a freelance Exercise rider @ Fair Hill and Webmaster for www.timwoolleyracing.com ) provided entire daily updates to Barbaro fans globally on Barbaro's healing progress. Shortly after Barbaro's Preakness accident, prominent Fair Hill trainer Mike Rea experienced life-threatening brain stem injuries while training horses one memorable day. Weathering life's storms, his healing recovery and rehabilitation care have placed huge financial burdens on his family. Like Barbaro's, the Mike Rea Relief Fund was started to help with rising medical bills. Since Mike's full recovery will take at least 2 years or longer, it's necessary to completely readapt their present home to accommodate Mike's severe handicap. His doctors cautiously released Mike back home. Door and hallway openings do not accommodate wheel chair access. This is placing an extreme hardship on Mike and his family. Stair climbing is exceedingly difficult as well as simple tasks you and I take for granted. To date, there are almost 3,000 signatures on a special Care 2 petition for ABC's Extreme Home Makeover Edition from genuinely caring people who know that home is where Mike's heart is. Fair Hill Training's family and thousands of well-wishers believe Mike and his family truly deserve this to make a miraculous Christmas gift come true. Help us make this Extreme Home Makeover miracle happen for Fair Hill's deserving heroic family of fighting champions.
P.S. Larry, below are two vital life-links you can forward on. Hopefully, this will get to the right folks as Barbaro is praying and hoping for this miracle too! Kindest thanks for your help here making a seemingly impossible dream come true.
WE BELIEVE in Miracles, Barbaro, Fans of Barbaro, and Mike Rea. For more of Mike's Life and the Barbaro Connection visit http://www.mikerea.blogspot.com and http://www.equestnetwork.com/equest_life_publication_view.php?id=55.
Debra Lopez
Carole Shaw
Premiere Barbaro Ambassadors
www.campaigningforbarbaro.com. "We will continue campaigning for Barbaro and his friends until we make a difference."
cc. Mike Rea Family
Alex Brown
Fair Hill Training Center
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