Mike Rea's Recovery Info & Updates

Mike's family created this blog to acknowledge our heartfelt appreciation for all your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes since his accident. Please check back regularly for updates on his condition and recovery process. We know all of you will keep Mike and his family in your prayers!

My Photo
Location: Newark, Delaware

On June 16, 2006, Mike was doing what he loves most in the world~training a race horse! One minute, friends saw him go by at a full gallop. Thirty minutes later, he was found unconscious and barely breathing. Mike endured an emergency helicopter ride to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Unit where doctors determined he had suffered a severe brain injury and was placed in ICU in critical condition. After three weeks, Mike was transferred to Kernan Rehabilitation Center, then Sunbridge Care and Rehabilitation. He returned home in October ‘06 and continues to work on his recovery. We have experienced much hope and joy as we have witnessed Mike's miraculous journey towards recovery. Mike IS A MIRACLE (the exact words of his neurologist) and continues to surprise his health care providers. Mike faces each day with courage, faith and perseverance; his new job consisting of physical therapy and theraputic riding. Mike is currently undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and is experiencing great progress! FOR THOSE WHO HAVE OFFERED ASSISTANCE, A "MIKE REA RECOVERY RELIEF FUND" HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED TO HELP WITH MIKE'S MEDICAL AND DAILY NEEDS.

Monday, April 16, 2007

A Long Overdue Update

Hello family and friends,

This post is coming from Mother and me, Nancy. Cathy left Friday night for a well-deserved 4 day cruise with her daughter and her daughter’s bridesmaids. Nicole, Cathy’s only child, is getting married in June and we say well-deserved because Cathy has been working nearly 24/7 at her new job and planning a wedding and keeping everyone up to date on Mike’s recovery. We all talked long and hard before she left because we all knew we needed to bring everyone up to date on our efforts with Extreme Makeover Home Edition and Mike and his family’s future.

It seems we have started many a post of late with an apology for the time lapse between updates. This isn’t because we don’t care or because we don’t want everyone to know what is happening, but more because we just get lost sometimes….

Mike’s story, the petition to EMHE, and the fans of Barbaro did get the attention of a casting director, a truly “real” and caring individual who obviously had an interest in Mike and his situation as a human being, not just a possible story line for the show. (And this in itself is a miracle due to the 1,000’s of applications received weekly by the show!) He and I talked by email and telephone for quite some time and as I brought him up-to-date on Mike’s remarkable physical progress since the initiation of the petition – that even though no one ever expected him to be able to walk again, he was out of the wheelchair and mobile with the help of walkers and canes - it became apparent Mike’s story was much more complicated than just that of being wheelchair bound and his home’s lack of handicapped accessibility. Mike’s needs were totally different now; a one story home with a patch of land and a barn would allow him to be able to provide for his family and work with his beloved horses gainfully employed in a new career.

Even though this gentleman knew it was a long shot, he took Mike’s story to the large number of EMHE’s “decision maker powers that be.” And when I received his call the next day I knew as soon as I heard his voice the news was not what we had all hoped for. Being ever so gracious and kind, he explained the show was not set up to purchase land but rather, to take a home that needs rebuilt due to disrepair, safety or handicapped issues and the like. Mike didn’t need that anymore and they just couldn’t find a way to proceed with the sort of makeover Mike and his family needed. HOWEVER, HE SAID, “I’M NOT CLOSING THE BOOK COMPLETELY ON THIS!”

We were pretty much at a loss as to which way to turn when, as has always been the case since Mike’s accident, Mike’s fans and supporters, the Fans of Barbaro (particularly, Mercy and Mary) “held us up” and well, basically, won’t let us give up!

Mike is alive! And that is first and foremost the thing to be most grateful for! We thought our biggest challenge was Mike’s injury. Once we found out he would survive it, our fear subsided somewhat because we had our brother and son. But we soon realized that the ups and downs of his recovery and other situations brought on by the accident were taking a tremendous toll, more than we had imagined, and has affected each one of us in a different way. But, here it is, the facts of life….Mike’s life now…..

Because Mike became injured and now has physical/cognitive disabilities that may or may not change, he is unable to earn a living doing what he knows how to do. This is a disability in and of itself. While Mike is making huge progress, the fact remains that he will probably never go back to training race horses again. He still has the talent to work with horses, and he certainly has the desire and love for them, but due to the inherent risk and danger of dealing with training thoroughbreds and the fact that Mike will always have to be careful not to injure himself, the risks far outweigh the dream of going back to doing what he loves most in this world. Because he cannot ever earn a living, the same way he used to, he cannot provide for his family and they will most likely lose everything they own including their home, which soon they can no longer afford. Funds have been donated, his church is helping as much as they are able, but these monies are running out and once that is gone there is no renewable source of income. This situation has become a reality to all of us now and we sort of became frozen with fear that we might say the wrong thing or forget something and be responsible for Mike not getting the help he needs. Then it hit us – don’t worry about flowery words or the perfect telling of his story – Mike is a miracle, as is his story, and that is enough. Let Go And Let God continue to work His miracles, through his friends, through the Fans of Barbaro, just ask for help….
Mike can and wants to be able to board horses. He would be capable of taking care of thoroughbred yearlings, as well as lay-ups and the like. He believes he could make a living and gain back his financial independence by doing this. And, as he has said since the accident, he is also interested in a Christian day camp for kids that involves giving them interaction with horses and an opportunity for him to be a testament to the power of faith. We haven’t exactly worked out all the details on this, but ideally it would be something Mike could do from his home. The problem is he currently lives in a subdivision. Given his present condition, Mike will most likely be forced to sell his perfectly livable home so he can afford to obtain some sort of home with land and stables that will allow him to do this.

But where do we go from here? We would be doing our own version of Extreme Makeover Life Edition. This will be a huge undertaking! And to quote again from my last email from Extreme Makeover Home Edition: “Like I said last week, we encourage people to go on with their lives naturally. It would be better to communicate to your support base that even though you spoke with us and couldn't figure out an approach, the need is still there in Mike's life. His fans will want to support him with or without EMHE's involvement. If Mike needs a new house with property/barns, that’s what Mike needs, with or without EMHE. His supporters could work to get that to happen. Again, I'm not closing the book completely on this. But I would need to see natural progression first. I don't want you all to do anything with the intention of getting our attention. I want you to do everything because Mike needs it, and being the loving and dedicated sister you are, I know that’s exactly what you do.”

So now….We now are soliciting your ideas for fundraising and would like to hear input from anyone that would be willing to help out with this mission. We are not only interested in monetary donations and fundraising (although this is very important) we are also interested in volunteers to help build when the time comes and anyone that has contacts with home builders to donate material, services and time. We will also need donations of fencing and horse supplies, etc. Actually, we really have no idea of what we will need to make this happen. It seems we need to create another petition, but this time for ideas, thoughts, suggestions on how to proceed, how to start….anything! We could call it the LET’S MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR MIKE REA petition! Thank you Mercy, Thank you Mary, Thank you FOBs, Thank you friends, and Thank You Mikey....for “lifting us up” and for not letting us give up!

We Believe in Miracles
We Believe in the Miracle that is Barbaro
We Believe in the Fans of Barbaro
We Believe in Mike Rea


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mike Rea and family,

A little disappointed in the response from EHM, however, we can overcome this setback.
Maybe when you'll come up for
the 29th...lets discuss fundraising
at that time.
Mike's progress is nothing short of miraculous. Praise God for that!
Sue Hartman

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What wonderful ideas for Mike's future! What about contacting grant writers for getting property for the Christian day camp? Mike could still board horses as well. I think there are some grant writer's in the FOB group. Seems to me we could get some property donated or money to buy some. Start thinking on where you want it to be! Our God is an Awesome God!

Debbie Trujillo
Parker, Colorado

1:06 PM  
Blogger Nancy said...

Thank you so much for your comments, Sue and Debbie! Sue, we all look forward to seeing you at DelPark. Debbie,I hope you are going to be there too. I'm sending Mercy your suggestion and follow up (I don't even know what a grant writer is!) God is an Awesome God!

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A grant writer is someone who has had training in how to write documents asking for grants for charitable organizations. Grant money is available from a lot of different avenues, even from the federal government. I only know a little. I think there are a couple of grant writers in the FOB group though. Sabina Pierce knows of one also. Here in Colorado is an organization called Praying Hands that is a Catholic based org that uses horses (mostly old unwanted horses) as therapy horses for disabled, abused and inner city kids. I could contact them to see how they started or if they have any recommendations.
Sadly, I won't be able to come on the 29th. I wish I could! It should be fun!

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I forgot to sign my last post on the grant writer stuff...

Debbie T., Colorado

2:29 PM  
Blogger Nancy said...


What a great idea! The Friends of Barbaro have the kindest hearts and such creative minds. The Barbaro Effect never ceases to amaze me. I've noticed that many on the Tim Woolley Forum have dreams of starting horse rescue or therapy operations, too. It would be a wonderful thing for you to talk to the Praying Hands people and share their experience of turning a dream into reality with everyone on the Forum. Thanks so much of thinking about Mike; this could be very exciting! And, it would be a shame not to share it with everyone. I'm sorry that I won't get to meet you personally on the 29th. Please let me know how this goes.

7:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry it has been a few days since I got back to you. I haven't had time to do much on the internet lately. I found a web site for Praying Hands Ranches, it is http://www.prayinghandsranches.org.I thought you might like to go to their site and see what they do, get some ideas, etc. I haven't had a chance to talk to them yet, but will try to this week. Their contact information is on their website too. I thought they were affiliated with the Catholic church, but found they are Christian non-denominational. More later.
Debbie T., Colorado

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It was great to meet you and all your family. Mike looks GREAT!
Wow, the Lord surely is working here....Now to brainstorm and come up with some ideas???
I'd love to help out!
Sue Hartman

9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,this is Mike Rea trying to figure this crazy machine out.It was awsome seeing everyone yesterday at Delaware Park.Thanks again for everything.I look forward to talking to you all again soon. Mike Rea

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD, MIKE!!! I can't believe my eyes; YOU ARE ON THE COMPUTER!!First I get to meet you and your wonderful family in person and now this.. it is just awesome! What a wonderful time we all had this weekend celebrating Barbaro's birthday with a such a mix of emotions for all of us...an incredible day for all of us FOBs that will never be forgotten - and seeing you walking, what can I say but keep on keeping on...you WILL GET THERE!!!

We love you,
Mercy and Frank

8:10 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Mike, I was thrilled to see you looking so good and wearing our ribbon. I wasn't able to be there, but have poured over the reports and pictures. But I'm almost as thrilled to see you on the computer (I'm a computer geek and some people say that's how I communicate best). Anyhow, it's a very up day for all of us. One of the many you don't know who find your faith and recovery inspiring, Elizabeth

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It was a highlight of a remarkable weekend to see you at Delaware Park. You are an inspiration to all of us, and I have faith that your dreams will be realized. You will certainly have the strong support of a huge group of FOB as you work to achieve them.


10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH WOW!!! Great Job Mike! It's so awsome to see you on the computer!! a Christian day camp would be wonderful. This one isn't a day camp, but they help neglected horses and children. Mabe you would get idea from it. http://www.crystalpeaksyouthranch.org/


10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Mike Rea:)

I did not attend the celebration, but have enjoyed Wendy's pictures an awful lot:) I was VERY HAPPY to see you there!!! I know it must have been WONDERFUL for you to meet so many FOB's.:)

I read on TWR recently, that Alex and yourself went out riding, and thought how great that was!!

Mike....I truly believe that God has not brought you THIS far just to drop you now...In the words of Barbaro, through Equine Heaven..."Keep Holding On." Somehow with God at your side and soooooo many people caring...your dream WILL be realized!!

We all LOVE YOU, Mike and I will certainly do whatever I can to help! Keep in touch:)
Lynne Brown
Barbaro's Forever Friend in CA

10:55 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

It was an honor to have you at Delaware Park. I was the one that took all the photos and posted them on the Tim Woolley forum. Here is a link to them if you didn't see them yet


I hope that link will work for you.

I also have some photos from Graham Motions barn that might put a smile on your face. Ballast seemed to be very happy that he parted company with his rider Xavier!



1:03 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Darn! The links didn't work. Let me try again.

Herringswell Stables

Delaware Park Afternoon


1:06 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

I blew it again. I wanted it to go straight to the slide show for you.

Delaware Park Afternoon

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Contacted the Mennonite central committee. They suggested a local civic group such as the Jaycees, Lions club or Rajah-Masonic temple could help. Also, does the Assembly of God have a central committee to help with assistance? Like a Regional or National headquarters?
Sue Hartman

1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was great to see you and your family. Actually I was sitting at your table. In front and to the right of you. I was wearing a Barbaro hat. Mercy, mary, Elizabeth are close friend.
Beverly in SC

5:13 PM  

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